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The Process

Building your package

WARNING: Before starting go through the links on the reference page.

NOTE: This guide is for building the version 1.22.1 of Nginx. You might need to change the commands according to the latest stable version of Nginx.

  1. Start the container.
mkdir ~/nginx-build
cd ~/nginx-build
docker run --name=nginx-build -dit -v $PWD:/root/data virtubox/nginx-build bash
  1. Copy the GPG keys(both public and private) to ~/nginx-build and if you don't have one, you can check here, how to create one.

  2. Enter the container.

docker exec -it nginx-build bash
  1. Import the your GPG keys.
cd /root/data/
gpg --import public.key
gpg --import --allow-secret-key-import private.key
  1. Clone the repo.
git clone
cd nginx-build
  1. Set your name as the Package Maintainer.
export DEBFULLNAME="WordOps"
  1. Run the script with the latest stable release and your email id.

At the end, the script will open your favorite editor to add content into the changelog.

nginx (1.22.1-1ppa~stable) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Update to Nginx 1.22.1 in response to HTTP/2 vulnerabilities

 -- Thomas SUCHON <>  Fri, 19 Oct 2022 01:03:00 +0530

This revision number of the build in bold has to be changed to build it successfully. (1.22.1-1ppa~stable) This will download the latest Nginx source, the modules from their respective Github links, modify the changelog and create the whole directory structure at ~/PPA/nginx

  1. Go to the nginx directory (check the latest version)
cd ~/PPA/nginx/nginx-1.22.1
  1. Start the packaging with the GPG keys that you have exported. If in doubt about GPGKEY, you can check this page.
debuild -S -sd -k97BAD476

This is the key ID for WordOps GPG key. You will be asked for a password. Get the password for the GPG key.

Uploading the package to the repositories

Opensuse Build Service

  1. Checkout the repository. If you don't have a repository, go to Opensuse Build Service, and create one
cd ~
osc co home:virtubox:WordOps

Warning: The repository name is case sensitive.

  1. Remove the current files from the nginx repo.
cd home\:virtubox\:WordOps/nginx
osc rm *
  1. The files that need to be uploaded will be generated in the ~/PPA/nginx directory. Only the files you already see here will be necessary. Copy the files from ~/PPA/nginx to ~/home:virtubox/nginx.
rsync -avzP --exclude="modules" --exclude="nginx-1.22.1" ~/PPA/nginx/ ~/home:virtubox:WordOps/nginx/
  1. Add the new files to the repo.
osc add *
  1. Commit and push the changes.
osc ci -m "Revision message describing any changes"

LaunchPad PPA

For LauchPad PPA, nginx package name have to include the Ubuntu release you want to build. For this we will use the tool backportpackage to create each version of nginx package we want.

  1. Go into the nginx directory
cd ~/PPA/nginx
  1. Then use backportpackage on the .dsc file previously built for OpenSuse repository
backportpackage -r -w . -d bionic -d jammy -d focal -k97BAD476 nginx_1.22.1-1ppa~stable.dsc

Replace -k97BAD476 with your GPG key ID. It will build 3 nginx packages, for Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic), Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) and Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy).

  1. Upload your package to LaunchPad PPA
dput ppa:virtubox/nginx nginx_1.22.1-1ppa~stable~ubuntu18.04.1_source.changes
dput ppa:virtubox/nginx nginx_1.22.1-1ppa~stable~ubuntu20.04.1_source.changes
dput ppa:virtubox/nginx nginx_1.22.1-1ppa~stable~ubuntu22.04.1_source.changes

You have to upload an indivual nginx package for each Ubuntu release you want to support.